We love celebrating A-Beauty over here at Sand & Sky, starting with our amazing community. Sarah Davidson is an ex-lawyer turned wellness co-founder of Matcha Maiden, Matcha Mylkbar and host of feel-good podcast. ‘Seize the Yay’, where her inspiring array of guests reveal their tips and tricks to finding joy.
As the face of our most recent launch, Australian Emu Apple Enzyme Powder Polish, we sat down with Sarah to find out what A-Beauty means to her and how she finds her “yay”.
What was your skin like growing up?
I used to have very temperamental skin when I was a teenager and I would squeeze within an inch of its life, leading to blackhead infections and scarring. Thank goodness, my Mum intervened and sent me off to a proper facial therapist to do proper extractions and educate me on how to look after the skin.
What are your best skincare tips now?
I never go to bed without taking off my make-up, regular facials and investing in good skincare products as well as drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, and eating well. I also love to incorporate A-Beauty into my skincare regime with Sand & Sky’s OG Australian Pink Clay Mask as I get quite congested and love a good clean out.
What does your routine look like?
I cleanse, tone, moisturise twice daily as well as exfoliate and do a mask a few times a week (and for my body, I exfoliate regularly and moisturise daily which keeps it smoother than a baby’s bottom – those Asian genes!). I also religiously use sunscreen and all of that has built up to now having much healthier, brighter and smoother skin that behaves most of the time

Tell me about your ideal self care routine.
One of my favourite ways to unwind and shake off the day is to jump in the bath, and exfoliate and moisturise both the body and face. What really makes me feel pampered and special is a face mask when I have a bit of extra time, so Sand & Sky’s Australian Pink Clay Mask is a no brainer. Up next are serums and oils, for the ultimate skin indulgence so I feel like a goddess!
Where is your favourite place in Australia to escape to and why?
We kept the house my Mum grew up in after my grandparents passed away, in Alexandra, a small country town in Victoria with beautiful hikes and waterfalls nearby to explore. It just represents my childhood and coming back to where you feel most unguarded and relaxed, so it’s one of my favourite places in the world.
Rottnest Island or Byron Bay are also favourites – I love warmer weather and beautiful beaches, so Nic and I love both of these places for how we unwind and come back to appreciating nature and stillness.I truly think we have such a diverse and incredibly beautiful country to explore
What do you do to keep your body in tip top condition? Any favourite exercise activities that work best for you?
I have learned over the years that there is no one formula that will always work for everyone at all times. I generally like to have a mix of cardio, strength and then more mindful movement so my favourites are things like Strong (rowformer), yoga, reformer pilates, and more recently, running! But I’ll try anything especially in a social context, so I also love boxing, gymnastics, HIIT classes and even hip hop!
What are some lifestyle routines that you have to stay healthy and energised? - besides copious amounts of matcha of course!
A hugely underestimated health hack is drinking enough water! I really try to remember to drink 2-3 litres a day at least. I also find meditating enormously helpful for managing stress and anxiety so do that twice daily most days. I’ve also recently learned that I’m an extrovert in terms of where I SPEND my energy but an introvert in terms of where I RECHARGE it. Introducing; Sloth Sundays reserving ALL of Sunday to literally do nothing. I sleep as long as I can with no alarm, assign no tasks and barely have my phone – it’s actually quite uncomfortable at the beginning but really helps me reset the body and mind.
I think we all need a bit of ‘Sloth Sunday’ now and again! Especially when one has a matcha business, booming restaurant, and insightful podcast. What can you share about what you’ll be working on post-lockdown?
I’ve literally gone from having a five-year plan to not having a five-minute plan and letting the universe work its magic I think my main focus will be growing the Seize the Yay podcast into a broader brand with other offerings, one of which I can share with you now – the Seize the Yay book, which is due out in September! Beyond that, I actually have no solid plans which kind of excites me! I hope that starting a family will be possible somewhere in the mix, but other than that, I’m open to whatever lies in store.
You can follow Sarah’s journey over at @spoonfulofsarah and listen in on her incredible podcast Seize the Yay.